Privacy Policy

This document is the implementation of the Administrator’s information policy towards users of the website in the domain of in all aspects of processing and protecting personal data. We attach great importance to the protection, collection, processing and use of your personal data in accordance with applicable regulations.

  1. Information on the Administrator and the collection of personal data

1.1. The administrator within the meaning of art. 4 point 7 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) in relation to your personal data is Javor Samuels, conducting business activity under the business name Javor Lingo Javor Samuels, 91-002 Łódź,  Drewnowska 47a/ 11, tax identification number 7282848904, statistical number: 387666986 (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator).

1.2. The Administrator processes the personal data provided by you for the purposes necessary for the proper functioning of the Website, contact, including through the Website’s tools, other communication and contact, including matters regarding the submission and acceptance of offers, orders, sending commercial information, conclusion and performance of the contract, in including contracts for services provided electronically, complaint handling, accounting and financial reporting, redress, as well as for marketing purposes. For these purposes, the Administrator collects your personal data such as: name and surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number and, optionally, company name, NIP (tax identification number), REGON (statistical number), bank account number for refund. When concluding a contract, providing personal data is necessary to perform the contract. In the event that the data processing is optional, the data will be processed on the basis of consent, which will result from the content of the consent given.

In particular, your data is processed in the following scope and for the following purposes:

  1. a) performance of the contract
  2. b) marketing purpose
  3. c) using the contact services
  4. d) contact
  5. e) processing personal data contained in “cookies” – in accordance with the cookie policy
  6. f) purposes of accounting and financial reporting
  7. g) pursuing claims for business activity


1.3. Processing  is carried out on the basis of:

  1. a) art. 6 sec. 1 point b) of the Regulation – in the scope of personal data necessary to perform the contract, as well as in the scope of personal data provided by you in order to take pre-contractual actions at your request, e.g. for the purpose of contacting before conclusion of the contract, answering questions, communication, etc.
  2. b) art. 6 sec. 1 point c) of the Regulation – in the scope of personal data, the processing of which is necessary to fulfill the legal obligation incumbent on the administrator, e.g. for issuing invoices, as well as for the purposes of accounting and financial reporting
  3. c) Art. 6 sec 1 point f) of the Regulation – in the scope of personal data, the processing of which is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Administrator, i.e. sending commercial information, as well as for direct marketing, as well as pursuing claims for business activity.
  4. d) Art 6 sec.1 point a) of the Regulation – if consent is given and the processing of data is optional.


1.4. The Administrator also uses the information contained in cookies to improve the functioning of the Website. They provide data on user activity in the Website. The use of cookies is based on your consent. You can disable cookies at any time by changing the settings in your browser. Detailed rules in this respect are set out in the Cookies Policy.

1.5. With regard to your personal data, the Administrator does not make automated decisions, decisions resulting from automated processing, including profiling within the meaning of the Regulation, with the proviso that the data contained in cookies may be processed for purposes resulting from the functionality of Google Analytics tools, in particular in statistical purposes.

1.6. The administrator stores your personal data only for the period necessary to perform the contract, including redress and compliance with the requirements arising from applicable provisions of law, including tax regulations, as well as for the time necessary for other purposes of processing indicated in this Privacy Policy. In the case of personal data processed on the basis of your consent, the Administrator Websites the personal data provided for the period necessary for the purpose of processing or to withdraw consent. After these periods, your personal data will be deleted.

  1. The rights of data subjects

2.1.      You have the right to receive from the Administrator a confirmation whether it process your personal data. You have the right to demand access to your data and the right to obtain from the Administrator information on the purposes of the processing and the categories of processed personal data, information on the recipients and categories of the recipients to whom your personal data is disclosed, the planned period of storing your personal data and the source of data in the case when it was not obtained from the data subject. You have the right to obtain information whether the Administrator takes automated decisions concerning the data subjects, e.g. based on profiling. You also have the right to obtain copies of your data.

2.2.      Moreover, you have the right to demand that your personal data be rectified, the right to demand that personal data be deleted, the right to demand restriction of processing, the tight to transfer data and the right to object to processing. You may use these rights:

2.2.1.   When it comes to demanding rectification of data: when your data is incorrect or incomplete;

2.2.2.   When it comes to demanding deletion of data: when your data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected by the Administrator; when you withdraw your consent to data processing, when you object to the processing of your data; when your data is processed unlawfully; data should be deleted for the purpose of fulfilling the obligation resulting from legal regulations;

2.2.3.   When it comes to restriction of data processing: when your data is incorrect – you may demand restriction of data processing for the period when the Administrator is able to check the correctness of the data; when processing of your data is performed unlawfully, but you do not want your data to be deleted; when your data is not needed by the Administrator, but you will need the data in order to establish, claim or prove damages; when you objected to data processing – until the time it is established whether the legitimate interest of the Administrator is superior to the basis for the objection;

2.2.4.   When it comes to the right to transfer data: when processing of your data is performed pursuant to your consent or on the basis of an agreement and when processing is performed in an automated way;

2.2.5.   When it comes to the right to make an objection: when processing of your personal data is performed on the basis of the legitimate interest and when your objection is justified by your particular situation; when your personal data is processed for the purpose of direct marketing and it is profiled

2.3. You also have the right to make a complaint to the supervisory authority if you decide that processing of your personal data breaches the provisions of the Regulation. In Poland, the supervisory authority is the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (2th Stawki Street, 00-193 Warsaw).

  1. Consent for personal data processing

3.1. If the processing of data is optional, e.g. if the Administrator processes personal data that are not necessary for the implementation of the service or contract, your data is always provided voluntarily, after giving your consent to the processing of the data provided.

3.2. Consent is given after reading this policy. In this case, you consent to the collection and processing by the Administrator of the personal data is provided for the purpose expressly indicated when giving consent, in the manner specified in the consent e.g. by ticking the appropriate box.

3.3. You may withdraw your consent at any moment using the same way in which you granted your consent.

3.4 Besides, you may withdraw your consent by sending to the Administrator an appropriate declaration on withdrawing your consent using the method indicated in point 6 hereof.

3.5. Withdrawing your consent has no impact on the lawfulness of processing effectuated on the basis of your consent before your consent was withdrawn.

3.6. Consent to the processing of personal data contained in cookies takes place  in accordance with the principles set out in the Cookies Policy and an appropriate statement

  1. Information about the recipients / categories of recipients of personal data

4.1. The Administrator may also partly use external service providers who process personal data on behalf of the Administrator, e.g. hosting service providers, e-mail service providers, accounting service providers, payment service providers. The transfer of data may, however, only be used to provide their service. The administrator uses only the services of such entities that provide sufficient guarantees to protect the rights of data subjects. If the entities are not independent administrators, the processing of personal data by these entities is based on written agreements concluded with the Administrator. These entities follow the Administrator’s guidelines and are subject to audits conducted by him. The transfer of data for the indicated purpose and scope may also take place on the basis of onward transfer, including in the form of entrusting the processing of personal data and further entrusting (prompting) the processing of personal data, e.g. in the field of hosting services.

4.2. The Administrator may also have a fanpage on the Facebook website which is linked to on the Website. Therefore, data in the form of name and email address can be collected and then made available to the Facebook operator, in which case the data is processed in order to use the administrator’s Facebook page and marketing with the help of Facebook. Similarly, the indicated data may be transferred to other similar social networking sites and entities operating them

4.3. The Website may use Google Analytics to analyse website traffic, collect and analyse data on the behaviour of website visitors. The analysis of web traffic is mainly used to optimise the website. Google Analytics is also used to define the needs of customers, broken down by age groups and thus into product groups. According to certain Google Analytics functionalities, “cookies” can be used for marketing purposes, and the data contained in them can be profiled.

The operator of the Google Analytics service is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351 based in the USA.

The User may not consent to the collection of data related to the use of the Website by Google Analytics, and to the processing of this data by Google, and may also prevent such activities. To do this, download the browser add-on available here: and then install it.

4.4. In addition, due to the Administrator’s use of certain services (in particular Google Analytics), data may be transferred outside the EEA, but only if there is a guarantee of ensuring an adequate level of protection.

  1. Security of personal data

5.1. The administrator processes your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation, including the appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the security and adequate confidentiality and integrity of personal data, including protection against unauthorised access, unauthorised modification, disclosure, or destruction of this data.

  1. Contact data

6.1. All requests, requests, notifications, queries related to the processing of personal data, can be sent by e-mail to the following address: or in writing to the following address: Javor Lingo Javor Samuels,, 91-002 Łódź, Drewnowska 47a/ 11.

As of the day [December 12th 2020]